The Università degli Studi “Gabriele d’Annunzio” (UdA), in collaboration with the International Research School of Planetary Sciences, organizes a Master (Laurea Magistrale) in Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration.

Key information

2 years full-time

Minimum entry requirements:
3 years Bachelor’s Degree


Mixed learning modes include distance and in-person education
ECTS: 120
Learning mode: Students may choose from in-person and distance learning for Terms 1 and 3. Term 2 requires in-person learning for field courses. The learning mode for Term 4 which is devoted to Thesis work will depend on individual arrangements.

Location: Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia
Campus: Sede di Pescara, Viale Pindaro, 42, 65127 Pescara (Italy)

For Info:

Planetary sciences, the study of planets, including Earth, and other celestial bodies, is an exciting area of study that is constantly being infused with new information from space missions conducted by space agencies around the world. Current and upcoming space missions include such diverse targets such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, the asteroid belt and further afield in the outer Solar System, such as the Jupiter and Saturn systems and even the Kuiper Belt. Planetary sciences are a diverse discipline that brings together geologists, physicists, biologists and engineers. This discipline is strictly linked with planetary missions and the operations of rovers and drones. In addition, the human exploration is currently in advanced planning for the settlement of humans on the Moon… and Mars will be the next step.

This Master degree program provides a comprehensive knowledge of planetary bodies, through the study of planetary geology, remote sensing, Earth analogues studies, theoretical modelling, planetary astrophysics, spacecraft instrumentation and space mission development that will provide graduates the skills necessary to participate in the dynamic space sector in Europe and in the world.

Thanks to the broad and diverse competencies inherent planetary science, this degree can enable different career paths for graduates including work in academic institutes and research centers, in space-related industries, in national/international space agencies and in the fields of Earth observation.

Programme starts October 2023.

Application accepted to be defined.

The Università d’Annunzio is split in two campuses in the cities of Chieti and Pescara (Italy). The Course is held in Pescara, a seaside city with a long beach facing the Adriatic Sea. Pescara is a lively Mediterranean city located in a coastal plain at the borders of the highest peaks of the Apennine (the backbone of the Italian boot).

Historically, Pescara was a fisherman town. This old settlement has been almost totally destroyed during World War II and most of the city is modern, but with a taste of lively Mediterranean life.

Study Programme (TBD)

First year (2023-2024)

First term (in class or online)

Second term (in class)

SSD Course CFU Lectures
SSD Course CFU Lectures

Second year (2024-2025)

Third term (in class or online)

Fourth term

SSD Course CFU Lectures
SSD Course CFU Lectures


Lectures will focus on the geological and physical fundamentals and processes of solid bodies of the Solar System and extrasolar systems. Professors and researchers with involvement in past and current space missions for both the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and international space agencies such as ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) will provide students first-hand knowledge about space exploration as well as involve them in current and upcoming mission analysis for their Master Thesis work.


Practicals will provide hands-on training in data processing techniques for space mission data including imaging and geological mapping of planetary surfaces, Earth analogues study, and planetary interiors modelling. Students will learn to use data processing, imaging and mapping software such as ISIS, NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline, ArcGIS/QGIS, MATLAB while also learning practical skills such as analysing scientific, engineering and mission operational constraints and assessing mission landing sites.

Field Trips

A major component of the teaching programme are the field trips where the student will be able to investigate terrestrial analogues, which are sites on Earth that have geology and or other environmental conditions that may be similar to past or present conditions on other planets. Field work will focus on geologic features and processes present on Mars, the Moon, Mercury and Venus.

Field work will be organised in Italy, Spain, Morocco.

How to enroll

The procedure to enrol into the Master (Laurea Magistrale) in Planetary Sciences (Curriculum in Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration) starts with the Pre-Enrolment.

Pre-enrolment is for all student: EU and non-EU citizens. Pre-enrolment will be available in April 2023.

After the pre-enrolment the non EU nationals must register in to the website to start the procedures to get the VISA (if needed) and to enrol into the course. The Universitaly procedure will be available in May 2023.

EU nationals will have to finalise the procedure of enrolment after August 2023.

The Enrolment and Pre-Enrollment procedure will be available in April 2023 and will remain open up to November 2023. After this date you will have to pay extra fees). These date are still to be defined (tdb) and they will finalized in the next few months.

For information visit this webpage and .

For information and clarifications contact

Students with foreign degrees do not need to translate the documentation if the documents are in English, French, Spanish and Italian. All the other languages need an official transaltion.


First of all, you must register in the University website and then you can go ahead with pre-evaluation and enrolment.

Register into the web site

– Go to

– At the top of the page click on MyPage

– In the menu STUDENTI click on Ud’A on Line

– In the top right corner click Menu then you can select language

– Again, in the top right Menu select Registration

– Then click on Web Registration

– And you can start the Registration to use the online procedures.

Note: when asked for Italian ID No. if you don’t have one, it will be generated automatically.

When asked for a Data Bank Account you can skip this question and you can send this information later if you need refunds.

For a detailed tutorial go to Tutorial for Unich Registration.

Pre-Evaluation (pre-enrolment) of your application

You have you will need your previous degree pre-evaluated and approved. To have your student career pre-evaluated:

Go to MyPage -> Studenti -> UdA online -> Top right Menu -> Login

Once logged in with the username and password (obtained from the previous procedures), go ahead with the Pre-Evaluation (Valutazione). You will receive the results in few days.

For a detailed tutorial go to Tutorial for Pre-Enrolment.

You can upload recommendation letter and other files in the appropriate space during the application.

Final Enrollment

This step will be available in August 2023.

To finalise your registration, perform the login and then follow the instructions:

Go to MyPage -> Studenti -> UdA online -> Top right Menu -> Login

The following citizenships must follow the rules for the European Union nationals:

– European Union citizens and equivalent including Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Swiss Confederation, Republic of San Marino,

– non-European Union citizen legally residing in Italy (equivalent students),

– students receiving scholarships in the framework of EU Programmes,

– students enrolled in courses of study organized jointly between two or more Italian and foreign institutions.


You will have to start with the pre-enrolment procedure. This procedure will be available in April 2023.

First of all, you have to register in the University website.

Register into the web site

– Go to

– At the top of the page click on MyPage

– In the menu STUDENTI click on Ud’A on Line

– In the top right corner click Menu then you can select language

– Again, in the top right Menu select Registration

– Then click on Web Registration

– And you can start the Registration to use the online procedures.

Note: when asked for Italian ID No. if you don’t have one, it will be generated automatically

When asked for a Data Bank Account you can skip this question and you can send this information later if you need refunds.

For a detailed tutorial go to Tutorial for Unich Registration.

Pre-Evaluation (pre-enrolment) of your application

You have you will need your previous degree pre-evaluated and approved. To have your student career pre-evaluated:

Go to MyPage -> Studenti -> UdA online -> Top right Menu -> Login

Once logged in with the username and password (obtained from the previous procedures), go ahead with the Pre-Evaluation (Valutazione). You will receive the results in few days.

For a detailed tutorial go to Tutorial for Pre-Enrolment.

You can upload recommendation letter and other files in the appropriate space during the application.


After the pre-enrollment you have to get into the site to

  • Start the procedure to get the VISA (if needed)
  • Enrol into the Course

Follow the Universitaly Tutorial to pre-enrol. Once you get the results of the verification of your previous Degree you can start the final enrollment following the step as for EU nationals. However, you will be contacted by UdA/IRSPS personnel for advice.

Get into the website

Instructions on filling in Universitaly pre-registration form are available here(This is the old version, the new version will be available in March 2023)

– Click on the image University

– Click on International Students 2023

– Click on Pre-enrol now

– From the login page you can create your account by clicking on “why and how to register”.

To utilise Universitaly use the Universitaly Tutorial (the new tutorial will be available next May, currently we provide you the Universitaly Tutorial of the last accademic year).

Requirements to enroll

 To enrol in a Master (Laurea Magistrale) Degree in Italy you must have a first-cycle, three years degree from a University or a higher education Institution with the capabilities to provide equivalent University degrees.

Students with an Italian Degree

You can access the International Master’s Degree in Planetary Sciences (class LM-74) Curricula Planetary Sciences and Exploration of space with a Laurea in the Class of Geological Sciences L-34 or in the Class of Sciences and Technologies for Environment and Nature L-32.

Students with a Laurea in other technical-scientific subjects are required to meet the following curricular requirements: at least 6 total CFU (university credits) in mathematics and computer science (SSD – science disciplines – MAT/xx, without constraints on individual SSD and/or INF/01); at least 6 CFUs in chemical disciplines (SSD CHIM/xx, without individual SSD constraints); at least 50 CFU in GEO/xx and/or ICAR/xx and/or FIS/xx and/or BIO/xx and/or AGR/xx and/or ING/xxSSDs.

Students with a Foreign Degree

You can access the Master Course with a First-Cycle Three-Years Degree (Laurea or Bachelor equivalent) in Earth Sciences (or correlated subjects i.d. Geology, geophysics, marine science, natural sciences, etc.).

For those with degrees in other technical-scientific subjects, it is a requirement to meet the following curricular: at least 6 total ECTS (or equivalent) in mathematics, and computer science subjects; at least 6 ECTS in chemical disciplines, and at least 50 ECTS in Geology and/or Engineering and/or Physics and/or Biology and/or Agronomy subjects.

You are suggested to contact to preliminary know if your previous degree is fitting the requirements, This preliminary assessment is extremely usefull.

If the curriculum is judged as satisfactory, the Board of Studies will decide the admissibility issuing the required authorization. Alternatively, the assessment of the student’s preparation will take place by means of an interview which may lead to the admission authorisation, with a proposal for a personal study plan.

Documents to be provided

During the online application you will have to upload a few documents about your student carrear. Documents in Italian, French, English and Spanish do not need translation. All the other language need an official translation.

At the time of pre-enrolment:

– Copy of your passport

–A copy of your degree obtained at the University which allows university studies to be pursued at the Master level (that is a 3 years course).

–A copy of your high school degree

– Diploma Supplement (usually in English) OR

– Transcript of the of Academic record (exams, credits and grades). This document can replace the Diploma Supplement if it is not available in your University.

These documents will be uploaded during the pre-enrolment and at this stage these copies do not need to be validated.

For the finalisation of the enrolment, you will need to validate your documents. The original documents must be certified. For details about certification, see below.

You will need the validated documents when you start the enrolment procedure: for EU Nationals at the final enrolment, for the non-EU nationals at the application in Universitaly website.

What is a Diploma Supplement based on the European Union standard? Academic qualifications issued by universities and higher education institutions of countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area can be accompanied by a Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement must be requested to the institution that issued the academic qualification.

If the Diploma Supplement (compliant with the standards of the European Union) is signed in case of enrollment in a second cycle degree you do not have to deliver the transcript of records with the list of exams taken.

In the event of problems with Diploma Supplement or other comparable document provided by universities outside the European Higher Education Area, you can contact the for an evaluation.

Methods of verification of the authenticity of foreign qualifications

The original documents from non-European Union University need to be certified before to be presented at the enrolment office. These are the simplest methods:

CIMEA: The certifications of electronic authenticity from the Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA) is the easiest way to authenticate documents but a payment of fees (100 to 300) is required for this service. You can get all the information by registering to CIMEA ( This method is strongly suggested.

APOSTILLE: it is another way to authenticate the documents. The Apostille is available for the Countries that adhere at the Hague Convention 1961. For details visit

DECLARATION OF VALUE (Dichiarazione di Valore): it is an informative document that describes a qualification awarded to a specific person by an institution belonging to an education system other than that of Italy. It is used for the evaluation of the qualification by the competent Offices within the University, for the purpose of enrolling in degree programmes or for the recognition of foreign qualifications.

The declaration of value is issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was awarded. The declaration of value is issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was awarded.

Stages abroad

The students will have the possibility to attend terms and internships in other European Universties

These activities will be finances by two European Union programmes (detailed Information will be available in Summer 2023). These grants are in addition with the eventual Scholarships from MAECI and UdA:

  • Academic Terms at Coimbra and Nantes

A student will be able to apply for a grant to attend the 3rd or 4th terms in Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) and the Universitè Nantes (France). These two Universities are partner along with the Universtà d’Annunzio in the Joint Master Degree that is the object of the European Mundus Curriculum. A student of the International Master in Planetary Sciences, curriculum in Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration could attend the the 3rd year terms in the University of Nantes or Coimbra. Information will be available at the beginning of the Academic Year.

The stay will be financed by the Erasmus + programme.

  • Internships in a GeoPlaNet institutions

The GeoPlanet Consortium is formed by a group of Universities and Institutions around Europe and also the Rest of the World. In addition to opportunities in Italy for Internships you will be able to spend your Internship in one the GeoPlanet partners.

This is the list of the GeoPlanet partners. Details on applications to obtains grants will be available before the beginning of the Academic Year.

The grants will be financed by the Erasmus Traineeship programme.



Scholarships for non-Italian students to attend the International Master in Planetary Sciences, Curriclum in Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration

Two different types of scholarships are available to attend the International Master: one from the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e Commercio Internazionale (MAECI) and another from the Università d’Annunzio (UdA). These opportunities are for non-Italian nationals and include European and extra-European nationals.

These grants may waive the University tuitions. The scholarships do not entirely cover the living costs and are just a contributions.

·        Università d’Annunzio (UdA)

 The Call for the Scholarships of the Università d’Annunzio is open.

The scholarships are offered by the International Office of the Università d’Annunzio.

The Call and other material are available here. 

Applications deadline is July 31st, 2023

The scholarships do not entirely cover the living costs and are just a contributions.

Remember that you are applying for a scholarships to attend a Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo)  Laurea Magistrale in Planetary Sciences (Master Degree in Planetary Sciences).

The Scholarships are available for EU and non-EU citizens with non-Italian degrees

If you are a non-European Union citizen you have to apply for the pre-enrolment and starting the VISA application to

If you are an EU citizen you must pre-enrol in the University website.

  • Ministero degli Affari Esteri e Commercio Internazionale (MAECI)

The scholarships are offered by the Ministero degli Affari esteri e del Commercio con l’Estero (MAECI).

The Call is available here.

Applications deadline is June 9th, 2023

Remember that you are applying for a scholarships to attend a Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo)  Laurea Magistrale in Planetary Sciences.

You have to ask a 9 month grant. You will have to submit a renewal to be supported in the second year.

Check the list of eligible Countries.

If you are a non-European Union citizen you have to apply for the pre-enrolment and starting the VISA application to If you are an EU citizen and if you already got he pre-enrolment from the University, you can use the email that qualify you as pre-enrolled.


For info email to