(Laurea Magistrale)
in Planetary Sciences
Two curricula bringing
to two Master Degrees
The Università degli Studi “Gabriele d’Annunzio (UdA) Chieti/Pescara offers, along with the International Research School of Planetary Sciences, an International Laurea Magistrale (Master) programme in Planetary Sciences. In Italy the course Laurea Magistrale correspond to a two-years Master Course. The International laurea Magistrale (Master) Course in Planetary Sciences is composed by two curricula:
- “Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration” incharge of Università degli Studi “Gabriele d’Annunzio”
- “Planetary Geosciences” incharge of Nantes Université, Universidade de Coimbra and Università d’Annunzio
The Master courses (Laurea Magistrale) are open to students with three-years undergraduate degree in geology, physics, biology, natural sciences, engineering, with some background in Earth Science.